Will You Accept This Rose?

You guys, it has been a fucking busy spring and summer. I have barely had enough time to breathe, let alone write! But I have been missing it, and all of you wonderful people who follow my adventures. Summer is my very favorite time of the year by far, but man, I do feel likeContinue reading “Will You Accept This Rose?”

A New Kind of Journey

“Saraswati, Senior Dharma Yoga instructor will bathe students in sound healing on the deepest levels while laying in Shavasana to the sound of the Crystal Alchemy Bowls & Gongs.” This was the description of the “sound journey” that I went to at my yoga studio a couple of weeks ago. I know, I know, itContinue reading “A New Kind of Journey”

Full Steam Ahead

Now, I know that many of you are probably not resolutions people, especially at this time of the year, when your New Year’s resolutions may or may not have fallen by the wayside. Personally though, I love them! I like having goals to achieve and I think they keep me from getting too complacent. Yes,Continue reading “Full Steam Ahead”

Goodwill to the People!

I was always a little bit of a quirky kid. I read a lot (I always got wayyyyy more stars on the school reading board than my peers, which I have my (bookworm) aunt Jenny to thank for – she was a big reading influence in my life), couldn’t get enough goofy camp songs andContinue reading “Goodwill to the People!”

Striking a Balance

Today’s post is about finding balance in life. I have so many things that I want to accomplish in this moment in time that I’m having trouble figuring out how to do it all. I want to get fitter, improve my yoga and rock climbing, lap swim four days a week, keep up with myContinue reading “Striking a Balance”

My Time Is Mine

You guys, I am feeling so damn inspired lately! Since I’ve last written, I’ve done so many productive and cool things, and my self-esteem is shooting through the roof compared to what it was a month or two ago. If any of you are feeling blue or low or a little bit like you’ve gottenContinue reading “My Time Is Mine”

I’m a hummingbird!

I am very into author Elizabeth Gilbert right now. I read Eat, Pray, Love a few years ago, at a time when I really needed it, and I know people tend to have mixed feelings on it, but I really connected with it and loved it. I really related to it. Romantic failure devastates meContinue reading “I’m a hummingbird!”

Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

Happy New Year, my dear friends! I hope you all had wonderful holidays and that you’ve come out of the season energized and rejuvenated, like I have. I know the holidays can be a bit on the stressful side, with all the traveling and crowds and having to pick out presents that (you hope) peopleContinue reading “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”

Reflections (Someone is feeling mighty cheerful today)

I have noticed as of late that I have somehow, slowly and inconspicuously, managed to find my own life again, without Rich’s presence. Most days, I don’t even think about him anymore. I have found that I have much more pep in my step, optimism about the future and, in general, a very real feelingContinue reading “Reflections (Someone is feeling mighty cheerful today)”

The Good, The Bad and the Lessons From Both

I know, I know. I’ve been slacking. But to be fair, I’ve had quite a hectic month! Some of it was good, some of it was bad, but regardless, I kept moving forward. The Good Let’s start with the good. For the first time in two years, I ran a 5K! For all you runnersContinue reading “The Good, The Bad and the Lessons From Both”