In the Media, May 2024—“From Pain to Peaks”

Hiker Trash Radio Blog, April 2024—”Type II Fun on the Colorado Trail

Shoutout Colorado, March 2024—”Meet Audrey Payne | Writer and Hiking Enthusiast

Mighty Blue on the Appalachian Trail Podcast, March 2024—”Keep On, Keeping On

Trail Tales Podcast, February 2024—”The Cult That Preys on Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers

Hiker Trash Radio, November 2023—”The Comeback Kid

The Rocks and Roots Podcast, February 2023—”Enjoying the Moment on Trail with Glowstick

VoyageDenver, August 2022—”Rising Stars: Meet Audrey Payne

American University Magazine, July 2018—”This I Know: Nature